SOP 24-25 Manual Updates and Quiz

All SOP Staff are required to read and review the updated SOP manual on an annual basis. You can access the approved 2024-2025 SOP Manual here.

There were minimal updates to the SOP Manual for the 2024-2025 school year. The additions below detail the more significant changes that were implemented last school year.

  • Inventories – The timeframe for when inventories shall be conducted is now at least annually. As always, all SOP staff should strive to ensure we are taking care and keeping track of all resources purchased with SOP funds.
  • Staff Feedback on Lesson Plans – SOP leaders now have more flexibility on the method and frequency of giving feedback to teachers on their lesson plans. Lesson plan feedback provides an important opportunity for continued growth for all teachers.
  • Site Manual – Every SOP is now required to create an SOP site manual. It should be provided to all SOP staff electronically. This is a different resource than a manual from a facility or a cooperating school division.
  • Staff Sign-in and Out – UPDATED FOR 2024 – Leaders will communicate with each staff the sign-in and sign-out procedures that are aligned with each cooperating school division’s policies.
  • Classroom Resources – The use of books, textbooks, videos, movies, and other multimedia in the classroom must comply with any policy of the employing school division.
  • Content Standards – The SOP Leader shall work with teaching staff to ensure that all curriculum materials are aligned with content standards.
  • SOP Movie-Request Policy – Each SOP shall have a movie-request policy for the SOP Leader to review and approve the use of movies in the classroom. Your SOP leader will communicate with you the specific policy for your program.

SOP Manual Quiz Requirement

All SOP staff and required to read and review the 2024-2025 SOP Manual and complete the following quiz below. You will need to earn at least a 14/15 correct on the Quiz to satisfy the requirement. The quiz due date is Friday, August 30. If you have any questions, contact your SOP leader.

After you have reviewed the 2024-2025 SOP Manual, you can access the quiz here.